My Art Analogy

Art for me is like cooking. I know what you’re probably thinking… the two couldn’t be more different! 

But I promise I can convince you, stick with me on this! 


1. Both artists and cooks have similar approaches to their craft.

Sometimes we know EXACTLY what ingredients we’ll use and other times we UNLEASH our creativity and let it RUN WILD, either way ending up with a beautiful MASTERPIECE that deserves everyone’s attention.

2. Using the finest ingredients is key because every masterpiece begins with quality materials. 

It’s obvious that a dish lacks the flavour and soul it so deserves when it’s prepared with less than quality ingredients and it all starts before the cooking process even commences! THIS IS WHY my staple ingredients involve only the best…

  • Winsor and Newton watercolour paints and brushes  

  • Art Spectrum watercolour paints 

  • Arches paper 

Just to name a few!

3. Whether a cook or not, we all know that balancing a dish with flavours and using ingredients that complement each other is fundamental right? 

Well, an artist uses this EXACT SAME process when it comes to choosing the PERFECT colour palettes, motifs, textures, lines and shapes. It’s a process that comes with a lot of thought and testing to get it absolutely right, but trust me, it’s all WORTH IT in the end! 

4. Finally, the secret ingredient that goes into every dish and every artwork is love.

Love transforms cooking into an art that is therapeutic and heartfelt. When love is poured into your daily artistic practice, it has the same effect. It truly is nourishment for the soul, nothing less. 

Have I convinced you yet?! 

This is MY method that I use in my practice DAILY and I’m ready to share it with you!
What are you waiting for?

I’m all in if you are.

Emily x


Australian Surface Pattern Designer


How I got into Surface Design!