How I got into Surface Design!

It all began in tech class back in 2016!!

Our task was to create a small cushion that matched the style of our home! I was busy researching ideas for my pillow when by chance, I stumbled upon surface pattern design and I knew INSTANTLY that it was a creative career I wanted to pursue in the future!

I absolutely loved the thought of running my own pattern designing business one day! After school I would come home and create my own little fashion CAD’s on scrap paper, cutting them out and using my colourful pens to draw in the patterns. Fast-forward 8 years and I’m now running my own surface pattern design business, creating patterns for beautiful brands to print onto their products! If it hadn't been for my school tech project, I may not be here running my business today!!

The Pillow from tech class in 2016!


Australian Surface Pattern Designer


My Art Analogy